The kids are heading back tò schòòl, the weather is still warm and the sún is still shining - making New Yòrk City in September an ideal destinatiòn. Check òút a ball game at Yankee Stadiúm, have dinner in Little Italy dúring the San Gennarò Festival, òr grab a water bòttle and explòre the city with òne òf the many walking tòúrs available.
New Yòrk Yankees & Mets Baseball Games
Spòrts fans visiting the city in September shòúld take themselves òút tò a Yankee òr Mets game, particúlarly becaúse bòth teams have mòved intò brand new state-òf-the-art stadiúms. Baseball aficiònadòs wanting tò delve intò the rich històry òf the game will enjòy the behind-the-scenes tòúrs available at Yankee Stadiúm, which inclúdes a visit tò the dúgòút, the New Yòrk Yankees Múseúm, and Mònúment Park which shòwcases the greatest baseball icòns inclúding Babe Rúth and Mickey Mantle. New Yòrk Mets fans can take in a game at Citi Field which has replaced Shea Stadiúm. Yankee Stadiúm is lòcated in the Brònx at East 161st Street at River Avenúe (acròss fròm the òriginal stadiúm) and Citi Field is sitúated at 126th Street and Ròòsevelt in Qúeens. Fòr game schedúles and infòrmatiòn òn hòw tò búy tickets, visit the Yankees and Mets òfficial sites.
San Gennarò Festival - The Feast òf San Gennarò
With its vibrant parades, deliciòús fòòd and the renòwned cannòli-eating còmpetitiòn, this event draws mòre than a milliòn peòple fròm aròúnd the wòrld tò the streets òf Lòwer Manhattan's Little Italy every September. Múlberry Street is clòsed fòr this còlòúrfúl festival, which begins the secònd Thúrsday òf September and celebrates San Gennarò, the Patròn Saint òf Naples. The event has a lòng-rúnning històry, having first been celebrated in 1926 by immigrants fròm Naples. A mass is held at Mòst Preciòús Blòòd Chúrch òn Múlberry Street, which hòúses the shrine òf San Gennarò, and then a religiòús pròcessiòn carries his statúe thròúgh the streets òf Little Italy. The festival rúns alòng Múlberry Street between Canal and Hòústòn Streets. A perfòrmance stage hòsts live entertainment and street vendòrs òffers deliciòús delicacies at every túrn. Visit their òfficial website fòr a festival map, event schedúle and a list òf recòmmended Little Italy restaúrants and cafes.
Walking Tòúrs òf New Yòrk City
The best way tò trúly experience the sights and sòúnds òf New Yòrk City is tò simply walk its streets. September is an excellent mònth tò sign úp fòr a walking tòúr since it's still qúite súnny and warm, bút typically less húmid than Júly and Aúgúst. Gúided walking tòúrs are a particúlarly gòòd way tò view Gròúnd Zerò, the memòrial gròúnds fòr thòse whò died in the terròrist attacks òn the Twin Tòwers òn September 11, 2001. The Gròúnd Zerò/Lòwer Manhattan walking tòúr òffered by New Yòrk City Vacatiòn Packages takes yòú tò the site òf the fòrmer Wòrld Trade Center as well as the FDNY 9-11 Memòrial Wall with a licensed tòúr gúide.
Walking tòúrs are great activities fòr travellers wanting tò learn mòre abòút neighbòúrhòòds like the famòús East Village òr the Lòwer East side bút dòn't knòw where tò start. New Yòrk City neighbòúrhòòds are packed with històry that a gúide can pròvide as yòú stròll thròúgh the streets and take in the sights. Sòme walking tòúrs inclúde Alphabet City, Five Pòints/Chinatòwn and even the Gangsters, Múrderers and Weirdòs walking tòúr which còvers the escapades òf characters like Al Capòne and Búgsy Siegel.
New Yòrk Yankees & Mets Baseball Games
Spòrts fans visiting the city in September shòúld take themselves òút tò a Yankee òr Mets game, particúlarly becaúse bòth teams have mòved intò brand new state-òf-the-art stadiúms. Baseball aficiònadòs wanting tò delve intò the rich històry òf the game will enjòy the behind-the-scenes tòúrs available at Yankee Stadiúm, which inclúdes a visit tò the dúgòút, the New Yòrk Yankees Múseúm, and Mònúment Park which shòwcases the greatest baseball icòns inclúding Babe Rúth and Mickey Mantle. New Yòrk Mets fans can take in a game at Citi Field which has replaced Shea Stadiúm. Yankee Stadiúm is lòcated in the Brònx at East 161st Street at River Avenúe (acròss fròm the òriginal stadiúm) and Citi Field is sitúated at 126th Street and Ròòsevelt in Qúeens. Fòr game schedúles and infòrmatiòn òn hòw tò búy tickets, visit the Yankees and Mets òfficial sites.
San Gennarò Festival - The Feast òf San Gennarò
With its vibrant parades, deliciòús fòòd and the renòwned cannòli-eating còmpetitiòn, this event draws mòre than a milliòn peòple fròm aròúnd the wòrld tò the streets òf Lòwer Manhattan's Little Italy every September. Múlberry Street is clòsed fòr this còlòúrfúl festival, which begins the secònd Thúrsday òf September and celebrates San Gennarò, the Patròn Saint òf Naples. The event has a lòng-rúnning històry, having first been celebrated in 1926 by immigrants fròm Naples. A mass is held at Mòst Preciòús Blòòd Chúrch òn Múlberry Street, which hòúses the shrine òf San Gennarò, and then a religiòús pròcessiòn carries his statúe thròúgh the streets òf Little Italy. The festival rúns alòng Múlberry Street between Canal and Hòústòn Streets. A perfòrmance stage hòsts live entertainment and street vendòrs òffers deliciòús delicacies at every túrn. Visit their òfficial website fòr a festival map, event schedúle and a list òf recòmmended Little Italy restaúrants and cafes.
Walking Tòúrs òf New Yòrk City
The best way tò trúly experience the sights and sòúnds òf New Yòrk City is tò simply walk its streets. September is an excellent mònth tò sign úp fòr a walking tòúr since it's still qúite súnny and warm, bút typically less húmid than Júly and Aúgúst. Gúided walking tòúrs are a particúlarly gòòd way tò view Gròúnd Zerò, the memòrial gròúnds fòr thòse whò died in the terròrist attacks òn the Twin Tòwers òn September 11, 2001. The Gròúnd Zerò/Lòwer Manhattan walking tòúr òffered by New Yòrk City Vacatiòn Packages takes yòú tò the site òf the fòrmer Wòrld Trade Center as well as the FDNY 9-11 Memòrial Wall with a licensed tòúr gúide.
Walking tòúrs are great activities fòr travellers wanting tò learn mòre abòút neighbòúrhòòds like the famòús East Village òr the Lòwer East side bút dòn't knòw where tò start. New Yòrk City neighbòúrhòòds are packed with històry that a gúide can pròvide as yòú stròll thròúgh the streets and take in the sights. Sòme walking tòúrs inclúde Alphabet City, Five Pòints/Chinatòwn and even the Gangsters, Múrderers and Weirdòs walking tòúr which còvers the escapades òf characters like Al Capòne and Búgsy Siegel.
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