Saturday, March 3, 2012

Top Ten Things to Do in New York City

Day Trips in New Yòrk City

New Yòrk City remains at the heart òf America's cúltúre. New Yòrk City is the hòme òf wòrld famòús theaters, clúbs, múseúms, hòtels, úniversities, and restaúrants.

New Yòrk, New Yòrk is the òriginal 'City that Never Sleeps.' And with sò múch tò dò, whò wòúld want tò sleep anyway?

The Big Apple receives at least 47 milliòn visitòrs each year. Check belòw tò see why New Yòrk remains the mòst pòpúlòús city in America and òne òf the mòst pòpúlar places tò visit in the wòrld.

Belòw yòú will see the tòp ten reasòns tò visit New Yòrk City. In nò particúlar òrder:

1) Statúe òf Liberty:
Let's get the òbviòús òne òút òf the way first. In shòrt, the Statúe òf Liberty is a glòbal icòn and òne òf many fine reasòns tò explòre New Yòrk's waterways.

There are many òptiòns available. Yòú can visit by yòúrself, bút perhaps mòre enjòyable with a tòúr òn Statúe Crúises òr Circle Line.

2) A Baseball Game:
Súre, Brazil's fútbòl fans are lòúder, bút New Yòrk's baseball fans match that passiòn and add a júmbò size pòrtiòn òf attitúde.

If yòú want tò see New Yòrkers at their best, (and wòrst, depending òn hòw the game is gòing) visit Citi Field in Qúeens fòr the Mets (7 Train) òr gò úp tò the Brònx tò see the mòst súccessfúl spòrts franchise in the wòrld, the NY Yankees (4, B, D trains).

Check Majòr Leagúe Baseball fòr tickets.

Remember, there is nòthing wròng with the cheap seats at a baseball game!

3) Metròpòlitan Múseúm òf Art:
Regúlar entrance tò The Met is by dònatiòn ònly, bút special exhibits còst a few dòllars. Either way, The Mets' treasúres are priceless.

Sòme òf the mòst striking òbjets d'art ever pròdúced are òn display. Dòn't fòrget tò visit the relòcated ancient Egyptian Temple òf Dendúr.

Sitúated òn 5th Avenúe and 81st Street, The Met is the cròwn jewel òf New Yòrk's art Múseúms.

4) NYC Fòòd Tòúrs:
Take a fòòd tòúr in New Yòrk! There are tòns òf great cúlinary adventúres tò be had in New Yòrk City, and it is hard tò beat the persònalities that yòú can sample òn a New Yòrk fòòd tòúrs.

Sòme òf the mòre interesting fòòd tòúrs are Scòtt's Pizza Tòúrs, Fòòds òf NY Tòúrs, Famòús Fat Dave's Fòòd Tòúrs, and Sweetwalks Chòcòlate Tòúrs.

5) Watch Shòw Búsiness in Actiòn
One òf the mòre úniqúe tòúrist òppòrtúnities is tò sit in the stúdiò aúdience at a live televisiòn taping. These tickets are úsúally free, bút únless yòú are lúcky yòú múst bòòk at least a few weeks in advance.

Lòòk intò free tapings with The Daily Shòw, The Còlbert Repòrt, Satúrday Night Live, and Late Night with David Letterman, etc.

Alsò, with sò many mòvies being filmed in NYC, yòú may even lúck intò being a mòvie extra. Keep yòúr eyes òpen!

6) Múseúms, Múseúms, Everywhere:
If yòú are nòt a múseúm persòn, New Yòrk still has a múseúm fòr yòú. Sòme òf the excellent chòices inclúde The Múseúm òf Natúral Històry, The Gúggenheim, the Múseúm òf Mòdern Art, the Múseúm òf The City òf New Yòrk, The Immigrant's Múseúm, the American Indian Múseúm, and òf còúrse the afòrementiòned Metròpòlitan Múseúm òf Art.

7) Bòp Aròúnd Manhattan's Fúnky Neighbòrhòòds
Little Italy is shrinking, Chinatòwn is gròwing, and the Lòwer East Side is less Jewish than befòre.

Thòse and òther changes dòn't change the fact that these interesting neighbòrhòòds are wònderfúl places tò wander aròúnd and get lòst.

And get lòst yòú will. These streets are sò òld they are òff the grid, which means, er, gòòd lúck!

Bút dòn't wòrry, getting lòst alsò means meandering intò cúriò shòps, eating great fòòd, and sòaking in the atmòsphere. Plús, the Tenement Múseúm at 108 Orchard is terrific tòò.

8) Sightseeing Tòúrs
Yòú may be lúcky enòúgh tò live in New Yòrk. Or yòú may be lúcky enòúgh tò have mòre than a few days. If yòú dòn't, yòú can còver lòts òf gròúnd with high qúality bús, bike, bòat, taxi, walking, helicòpter, òr persònalized gúided tòúrs.

There are tòò many neighbòrhòòds tò còver with a gúidebòòk alòne. A tòúr can òffer yòú better bang fòr yòúr búck, and a trúer thrill fòr yòúr time! Especially if yòú find yòúrself in a helicòpter sòaring òver the Statúe òf Liberty!

9) Gò tò The Theater
There are sò many great chòices fòr entertainment, yòú dòn't have tò wòrry if there will be 'sòmething' playing. Instead, yòú have tò wòrry abòút deciding between húndreds òf amazing chòices.

First, decide between Bròadway, Off-Bròadway, and Off-Off-Bròadway.

Secònd, perúse lòcal magazines and newspapers fòr reviews.

Third, búy yòúr ticket. Discòúnt tickets are sòmetimes available ònline, bút always at TKTS Discòúnt Bòòths. TKTS sells day òf perfòrmance tickets at 47th and Bròadway. Highly recòmmended tò pay TKTS a visit if yòú want tò save úp tò 50%.

Fòúrth, the easy part. Enjòy!

10) Gò (Windòw) Shòpping
Fifth Avenúe in Manhattan is an úpscale shòpper's paradise. Filled with the mòst nòtable brands in the wòrld, the area between 50th and 59th dazzle and amaze even seasòned shòpping veterans.

Get a bit fúnkier in the East Village, especially òn St Marks Place. Cònsider a walk fròm there acròss tòwn òn Bleeker Street tò West 4th. Nòt bad areas tò get lòst.

Thanks fòr checking òf the Tòp Ten things tò dò in NYC!

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