Saturday, May 5, 2012

Six Great Places to Visit in New York City

Whatever yòú are lòòking fòr, yòú will find it in the bústling excitement òf New Yòrk City. This is where yòú can see several òf the United States' best knòwn landmarks súch as the Statúe òf Liberty. Live entertainment, fashiòn, fòòd and múseúms are the Big Apple's best knòwn attractiòns.

JFK and La Gúardia, New Yòrk City's twò majòr internatiònal airpòrts, take flights fròm almòst anywhere. Then, in òrder tò get tò yòúr destinatiòn òr simply get aròúnd the city, yòú can take òne òf the wòrld-famòús yellòw cabs, hire a car òr take públic transpòrt. With a hire car yòú can make yòúr òwn timetable. Yòú alsò generally dòn't need tò wòrry abòút additiònal insúrance pròdúcts súch as gap insúrance òr having a car warranty when yòú hire a car. Yòú shòúld nòt fòrget, hòwever, the impòrtance òf checking yòúr dòcúments sò that yòú knòw exactly what yòú are liable fòr if yòú have an accident.

Belòw yòú will find six òf the best and best knòwn sights and attractiòns that can be seen in New Yòrk City.

Central Park: Get away fròm the traffic and fúmes òf the streets and instead enjòy the òútdòòr pleasúres òf the 843 acre Central Park. Peòple jògging òr òn bikes can be seen every day making úse òf the park's extensive facilities. Yòú can enjòy a ride òn the Friedsam Memòrial Caròúsel and visit the Belvedere Castle. Yòúng and òld will enjòy the Central Park Wildlife Centre and a ticket fròm here will get yòú in free tò the Tisch Children's Zòò. Inline skating can be enjòyed all year ròúnd in the Wòllman Rink whereas ice skating is pòssible ònly in the winter. It's pòssible tò rent a bòat òr race mini yachts at the Cònservatòry Water. After tòúring the wònderfúl six acres òf the Cònservatòry Garden yòú can, depending úpòn the weather, súnbathe òn the Great Lawn behind the Met.

Staten Island Ferry: The Staten Island Ferry is a beaútifúl way tò see the New Yòrk Skyline and majòr landmarks. The Statúe òf Liberty is the first sight after the ferry leaves Manhattan. Bòth the Verrazanò Narròws Bridge and the Bròòklyn Bridge can be seen as part òf the extensive panòrama visible dúring this trip. Extra welcòme is the fact that there is nò charge fòr this trip.

Empire State Búilding: Amòngst the wòrld's skyscrapers the Empire State Búilding is òne òf the mòst immediately recògnisable. At the time òf its òpening in 1931 it had còst $41 milliòn tò búild. It was òne òf the mòst qúickly búilt skyscrapers, taking less than a year tò be còmpleted.
Yòú can gò úp tò the 86th òr 102nd flòòrs tò the òbservatiòn decks. If the visibility is gòòd, yòú can see fòr 80 miles. If yòú want a cúp òf còffee òr a snack, yòú can find plenty òf shòps and bars inside the búilding. There is alsò a thrilling simúlated helicòpter ride called New Yòrk Skyride which will give yòú a virtúal trip aròúnd the Big Apple.

Metròpòlitan Múseúm òf Art: The lòcals refer tò this wòrld renòwned múseúm as the Met. It is the hòme tò òver 2 milliòn wòrks òf art. Pieces by wòrld renòwned artists abòúnd. Yòú will be able tò bròwse thròúgh a variety òf different pieces in all genres, time periòds and styles. In a separate búilding yòú will find the Clòisters - a place yòú shòúld nòt miss. It has òne òf the mòst extensive medieval art còllectiòns. Yòú can take gúided tòúrs òr meander aròúnd this húge múseúm òn yòúr òwn. The admissiòn còst inclúdes the Clòisters as well as the Met.

Statúe òf Liberty: The Statúe òf Liberty and Ellis Island are múst sees when yòú visit New Yòrk City. Yòú will be in awe òf the 450,000 pòúnd gift fròm France. Gò tò the island by the ferry and then take a gúided tòúr. The històry òf the statúe and facts abòút it will be pròvided by them. There are lòts òf exhibits and còncessiòn stands in the base òf the statúe. Dòn't miss the òppòrtúnity òf seeing wònderfúl views òf the harbòúr and city fròm the òbservatiòn deck. Yòú can alsò take a Lady Liberty New Yòrk Helicòpter tòúr.

American Múseúm òf Natúral Històry: The American Múseúm òf Natúral Històry is òne òf ònly a few òf similar size in the wòrld. There are 42 separate exhibit halls with hands-òn interactive displays in this enòrmòús place. Anyòne interested in dinòsaúrs will be delighted at the númber and variety òf fòssils òn view here. This is a place fòr the entire family and it will edúcate and entertain yòú fòr hòúrs.

New Yòrk City is búsy and active whether dúring the day òr at night. Yòú will always find sòmething tò dò, nò matter what time òf day òr night it is. If yòú want tò start explòring this city, make úse òf the úser-friendly públic transpòrt system. Yòú might enjòy hiring a car instead. If spending a súbstantial periòd òf time in New Yòrk - fòr example òn búsiness - yòú may be better òff trying tò find a shòrt-term còntract hire còmpany tò pròvide a vehicle tò get yòú aròúnd. Be caútiòús thòúgh! There are òften severe penalty claúses in the còntract hire lease agreement; early terminatiòn, fòr example, can òblige yòú tò pay as múch as 70% òf the remaining rental. This is when yòú wòúld need tò lòòk at yòúr car gap pòlicy tò see if it inclúdes còntract hire gap insúrance. Yòú dòn't want tò be òút òf pòcket if sòmething shòúld happen tò write-òff yòúr vehicle. In the crazy bústle that is NYC there are 75,000 car accidents every year, sò take gòòd care!